About Islam

In The Name Of Almighty Allah Who Is The Most Beneficial & The Most Merciful

Islam includes many religious practices. Adherents are generally required to observe the Five Pillars of Islam, which are five duties that unite Muslims into a community.[7] In addition to the Five Pillars, Islamic law (sharia) has developed a tradition of rulings that touch on virtually all aspects of life and society. This tradition encompasses everything from practical matt ers like dietary laws and banking to warfare and welfare.[8] Almost all Muslims belong to one of two major denominations, the Sunni (85%) and Shi'a (15%). The schism developed in the late 7th century following disagreements over the religious and political leadership of the Muslim community. Islam is the predominant religion in much of Africa and the Middle East, as well as in major parts of Asia.[9] Large communities are also found in China, the Balkan Peninsula in Eastern Europe and Russia. There are also large Muslim immigrant communities in other parts of the world, such as Western Europe. Of the total world Muslim population, about 20% live in the Arab countries[10] (where Muslims comprise majority populations, with Christian and other religious minorities of differing sizes by country), 30% in the countries of the Indian subcontinent, and 15.6% in Indonesia alone, which is the largest Muslim country in absolute numbers.



About Hazrat Prophet Adam (A.S)

Prophet Adam (A.S) - The First Man

The Holy Quran has mentioned certain facts about Sayyidina Adam Peace be upon himPeace be upon him. However we must
realise that science has opened a new door to the question of the creation of the human being. They claim to say that man as we know today went through many stages to reach the present state that we are in now. Scientists say that human being were in a form of ape like mammal. Then stage by stage and step by step their form were changing and progressing and finaly reached the form of present day man (Evolution Theory). The changing of form and progressing step by step took millions and millions of years. However, our religion tells us that the creation of the universe saw the first man in the very form of Sayyidina Adam Peace be upon him. Then was created Hawa Peace be upon him of the same kind, then through them the chain of human being came in existence on the surface of Earth.The Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) was the first man and he did not evolve from another mammal or creation. This is the same man Allah excelled over other creation and handed over to him the valuable burden of trust, subduing the universe to him and honouring him to be the deputy on Earth. Scientists boast theories and conjecture, stringing probability, unfounded ideas and even chance. After much discussion and blind absorbtion further theories are put forward to support ones already faltering. There comes a time when no one scientific theory can be proven conclusively. Theories that cannot be proven are believed not upon fact but upon the fallable word put forward by scientists. Many theories evolve, are contradictory to other scientific theories and are at times at odds with themselves. Humans are left finaly to believe in either the fallable theories of man or the word of Allah. Muslims are those that choose to have faith in Allah. Intellect and comprehension vary in men, those strong in faith recognise this human factor and accept the word of Allah with or without proof.

The important question is whether man has been created in this world without an aim and/or sense or whether there is a purpose behind his creation. The Holy Quran has thrown light on this topic. When Allah created man, he created him in the best stature and the Quran has thrown light by stating "Certainly We have created man in the best stature" (Sura At-Teen). It is for that reason man is entitled to be honoured and respected among all creation. Allah states in the Quran: "And surely We have honoured the children of Aadam" (Sura Al-Isra). And because he is "in the best stature" and "worthy of respect" he alone is the one to "undertake the trust offered by Allah" and act as "deputy of Allah" and when these things are reposed in him how could it be that he be left like that without aim or consequence? The Quran states by saying, "Does man think that he is to be left aimlessly"? (Sura Al-Qiyamah). From these verses of the Quran, we can clearly understand from it that there is a purpose behind life and creation.

A Great Saint: Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani

Sheikh Muhi Uddin Abdul Qadir Jilani (a.k.a Gilani) has been famous for centuries as the most popular and revered Saint of Islam. He was the founder of the Qadriya order, the most tolerant and charitable of the Sunni order of the dervishes.
A Great Saint: Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani

Rahmatullahi Alayhi

Sheikh Muhi Uddin Abdul Qadir Jilani (a.k.a Gilani) has been famous for centuries as the most popular and revered Saint of Islam.

He was the founder of the Qadriya order, the most tolerant and charitable of the Sunni order of the dervishes. This order claims countless followers throughout the Muslim world. His adherents, who knew him as ‘Ghaus-e-Azam' (the highest in the hierarchy of Saints) revere him for his piety, humility, learning and gentleness of spirit.

Sheikh Abdul Qadir was born in 1077 in Nif, a village in the district of Gilan , Persia (to the north of current Iran ). On his father's side, his ancestry can be traced back in the direct line to Hazrat Imam Hassan and hence The Prophet Muhammad May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. His mother was a saintly lady and also the daughter of a famous saint of that time.

Sheikh Abdul Qadir left his home at the age of eighteen in the pursuit of knowledge and he went to Baghdad, the great centre of learning. He attended the classes held by Tibrizi, the well-known Arab Philologist of the age. There he was initiated into the Sufism of the Abul Khair Muhammed School. This was a special mode of religious thinking and feeling. A Sufi lives rather a retired life in voluntary poverty in order to be better able to meditate on the Holy Qur'an by seeking to draw closer to Allah in prayer.

Sheikh Abdul Qadir received the Sufi dress called the ‘Khirka', from his leader and patron Sheikh Qazi Abu Sa'ad Mubarak, head of the Muslim School of the Hambalite law. Not long afterwards, a Khanqah ( monastery ) was built for him. In 1134, the school of Mubarak al Mukharrini was enlarged by public subscription and the popular Sheikh was appointed as its head.

The Sheikh was a great theologian and an earnest, sincere and eloquent preacher. He prayed for all of mankind without distinction of race or creed. His sermons which he gave regularly in the School on Friday mornings and Monday evenings, and in the Khanqah on Sunday Mornings, breathed the spirit of charity and philanthropy. Some of his sermons which are entitled ‘Futuh al Ghaib' are considered to be among the best pieces of Islamic literature ever written due to its matter and style and one of the great educative values to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. A considerable number of Christians and Jews were deeply influenced by his preaching and accepted the Divine faith.

His fame as a scholar and theologian spread far and wide. People from all parts of the world addressed him with their queries on religious and legal problems, and he failed to answer these to their entire satisfaction. Many people including rulers and wazirs figured among his disciples venerated the Saint for his unaffected simplicity, deep humanity and steadfastness of purpose.

In his childhood, his saintly mother had always counselled him to remain truthful, frank and honest whatever might happen, and like a dutiful son he made his mother's advice his watchword for life and acted upon his mother's advice.

Once, when he was going on a journey, she gave him a few gold pieces. The caravan was overtaken by robbers. When they asked him about what valuables he had with him, he showed them the gold pieces. The robbers were taken aback and asked him why he did not try to hide his money. He replied, “I hold the noble advice of my mother dearer than these few pieces of gold.” The robbers were so moved by the noble spirit shown in this answer that they gave back all the property they had taken from him.

Sheikh Abdul Qadir is the patron Saint of the Kurds and is held in great veneration by the Muslims of the Indo-Pak sub-continent. The members of the Qadriya order may be counted in tens of thousands in central Asia, China, Java and Sumatra.